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Upcoming webcast, "Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law"

On April 25, the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) will be hosting a Webcast on the documentary, "Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law".

The film tells the story of Beatrice Mtetwa, a human rights lawyer in Zimbabwe who defended people jailed by the Mugabe government, despite brutal treatment by the government.

The film makers, director and co-producer Lorie Conway and additional co-producers Hopewell Chin'Ono & Andrew Meldrum, explained to Britdoc that "[a]lthough Mtetwa’s arena is Zimbabwe, her message and bravery are universal.​ We hope that the film will spark dialogue and change in Zimbabwe and throughout Africa, while also bringing the story of this inspiring woman to the attention of the rest of the world."

​With the upcoming webcast at the USIP, it looks as if the film is doing just that.

Click here to go through to the information page on USIP's website.


– PROOF: Media for Social Justice