Photo Credit: Pete Muller
The exhibition opens today at the University of Magdalena, at 7 pm.
'My Body: A War Zone' is the exhibition showing various testimonies of women who have been victims of sexual abuse in conflict countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Congo, Nepal and Colombia.
Photographers Blake Fitch (Colombia), Paul Smith (Colombia), Pete Muller (Congo), Laura Boushnak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Nayan Tara Kakashapati Gurung (Nepal) are part of the art show that opens today at 7 pm in Art Museum of the University of Magdalena (Cra 2nd N ° 16-4, historical center).
Each of the artists expressed their vision of the problems of very different armed conflicts due to political, social and economic realities of each territory.
The show is produced by the American NGO, PROOF: Media for Social Justice and supported by UNFPA, UNHCR, GBVIMS, the University of Los Andes and the Universidad del Magdalena. The exhibit contains photographs and testimonies of several women who have been victimized by sexual violence in war zones. It will be on display until June 30th.
The aim of this exhibition, according to organizers, is to raise awareness and inform the masses of the atrocities that happen in circumstances of armed conflict and pain that stigmatization of sexual abuse in women.
(Translated from its original version in Spanish.)