PROOF News and Blog
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Witnessing - Refugee Testimonies and Advocacy
Witnessing: Refugee Testimonies and Advocacy workshops are co-facilitated by Dr. Anita Fabos, Associate Professor of International Development and Social Change at Clark University and Leora Kahn, Executive Director of PROOF: Media for Social Justice.
Read MoreMoral History ‘Ferguson Voices: Disrupting the Frame’ oral history exhibit at UD
“Without courage,” the great Maya Angelou once wrote, “We cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”
We like to think of ourselves as courageous individuals, certainly. With little difficulty, we can imagine a dozen examples of behaviors that define courage, from soldiers in combat risking their lives to save fallen comrades, to a young LGBT student discussing his sexual orientation with his parents for the first time, to a small child bravely confronting a bully at school. But far too often, as a people, we tend not to act with courage, to take a risk. Too many times, we fall into step with the herd, or simply look the other way, or sit quietly when we should stand up and act.
The Moral Courage Project launches “Ferguson Voices: Disrupting the Frame.”
The people of Ferguson have a story to tell – and one that the majority of those in the United States have not heard or fully understood. This story is even more urgent today.
PROOF: Media for Social Justice has collaborated with the University of Dayton's Human Rights Center on a new exhibit for the Moral Courage Project titled “Ferguson Voices: Disrupting the Frame.” The exhibit, which will be housed in the Roesch Library first floor gallery, will be open to the public from the 17th of January to the 3rd of February.
A collaboration between students engaged with the University of Dayton's Human Rights Center and PROOF, Ferguson Voices is an attempt to spotlight and honor those who responded to the August 9, 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
The death of Michael Brown sparked outrage and launched a movement due to what many have known to be true throughout America’s history: For too long people of color have been systematically targeted and criminalized.
Ferguson isn’t the only community where disenfranchisement and inequality is manifest, but it has become a symbol. “Ferguson is everywhere” became the rallying cry in the days, months and years since Michael’s death.
Unwarranted traffic stops, fines and arrests of people of color are a regular experience for those who either grew up in or still live in the area. But these truths are not unique to Ferguson; they are replicated across the country.
The stories and images captured in Ferguson Voices: Disrupting the Frame are a testament not only to the systemic discrimination that the Ferguson protests laid bare, but also to the power of transformative action taken to foster community, accountability and justice.
Location: University of Dayton, Ohio, Roesch Library first floor gallery, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45417
Dates: January 17th, 2017 - February 3rd, 2017
Times: Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.,
Fri 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.,
Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
For more information about the Moral Courage Project, please visit our program page - Moral Courage Project
(un)DOCUMENTED: A One-Day Symposium on Immigration in the U.S.
Join us for a one-day symposium Saturday, November 12th at the United Nations International School for the launch of Picture Justice's newest exhibit on immigration, (un)DOCUMENTED.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Mark Seliger
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Bruce Davidson
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Elliot Landy
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Ron Haviv
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Aaron Siskind
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Toby Braun
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Phil Borges
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - David Maisel
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - David Goldes
PROOF TURNS TEN on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and social justice.
Read MoreProof Turns Ten - William John Kennedy
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Rick Finkelstein
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF Turns Ten - Ed Kashi
PROOF Turns Ten on Monday 17 October 2016, with a celebration auction featuring some outstanding and award winning photographers who have generously donated their work in support of PROOF and Social Justice.
Read MorePROOF's latest exhibition at PHOTOVILLE in September
PROOF is proud and excited to announce our “Broken?” exhibition, which addresses the injustices within the United States criminal justice system and mass incarceration, has been selected for display at the annual Photoville event.
Read MoreThe opening session of the 16th Annual International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) conference in Poznan, Poland.
Executive Director Leora Kahn Presents at IASFM Conference
PROOF Executive Director Leora Kahn presented a paper on the findings and experiences of PROOF's signature Witnessing: Working with Testimony for Refugee Advocacy workshop with Anita Fábos of Clark University at the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Conference. In its 16th year, the IASFM Conference was held from July 12-15, 2016 at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.
Refugee and migrant testimonies have helped stimulate and shape social change, and have on occasion been an effective tool for policy change and social transformation. But while advocacy on behalf of refugees often demonstrates the best of intentions, many social advocates grapple unsuccessfully with the power differentials at all stages of the process. Using techniques derived from drama and experiential learning, practitioners learn to recognize narrative strategies and ethical dilemmas inherent in sharing, choosing, and representing the difficult subject matter produced by many refugees. By developing an embodied understanding of power relations, advocates struggling with the ethics of representation of refugee and forced migrant narratives can identify strategies for producing alternative narrative frames. Drawing from the results of a series of workshops provided to a mixed group of refugee service professionals, community leaders, journalists, artists, and academics, Ms. Kahn and Dr. Fábos' paper reflects upon our use of these practices as a way to encourage empathetic listening and develop strategies of narrative disruption for refugee advocacy.
Witnessing: Working with Testimonies for Refugee Advocacy
Learn more about PROOF's educational workshop to advance human rights and our group of inspiring participants who work in the fields of displacement and forced migration.
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